Hans arrived in Australia from the Netherlands mid 1951 at age 16 and was soon as employed as an apprentice Optical Mechanic and constructed a 150mm parabolic mirror astronomical telescope from the ground up. The job did not pay much and for a number of years he was involved in bookkeeping and accounting. He joined the Australian Society of Accountants and e was soon employed by a major Brisbane Drug Company as a senior clerk. Next came a stint in the army where he acquired the rank of Sergeant in a transport battalion after just one year. After that, more accounting positions and the discoverer of employee collusion and financial fraud in the organisation he was employed by. This prompted him to seek employment in the Queensland and NSW Insurance industry and became a Senior Insurance investigator (Accident Surveyor). As part of his employment he studied the many facets of the insurance industry such as the Law of Torts and in particular the subject of Negligence and a host of associated subjects such as Statute Law, Accounting and Investments, Forensic Auditing, and Physiology and Anatomy. He also became a qualified Loss Adjuster with the Institute of Accident Assessors. He was the first person in Australia to set a Standard for Safes. Associated interests were locks and keys of the world, electronic security and surveillance systems and in the mid 1970s designed the first computerised access control systems of which a small number were installed on strategic Government buildings. For security reasons their locations cannot be revealed.
Fig, 1. Two access control panels (center) and the Direct current low voltage power supply (left) are shown. Each panel consisted of a stainless steel case into which 16 phosphor-bronze ball bearings were mounted into an oblique array and floating on 16 micro-switches. The electronic circuitry consisted of a three stage cascading switching mode, each with their own recycling time frame. It could instantly be reprogrammed to another 100 million code option
A return to his homeland as an Australian Citizen provided him with an employment as an Independent Fire, Safety and Security Consultant Engineer. This position included the enhancement of anti-terrorism strategies for strategic buildings, radio station LOPIK and vulnerable financial Institutions. Here also the activities included setting Standards and Protocols. On his return he found employment as an Editor for an International security publication with the title SECURITY AUSTRALIA. Interference from ‘Big Business’ saw him set-up his own International security journal SECURITY RESEARCH. Insufficient funding and again deliberate interference made him leave that industry and become a Freelance Journalist, Editor or journalist for a number of Newspapers such as The State Service Union, the Queensland Teachers Union, 6RAR, The Local Government Engineers Association, the publication of a book called JAMIE and some major newspapers. A sudden impact on his health by Menieres Disease saw him move from Brisbane to Ipswich in 1992. Although diagnosed as incurable, he nevertheless managed to heal from this completely and acquire a number of qualifications which prepared him for tackling the confusion surrounding so-called Colloidal Silver and Water purity issues. He is currently engaged in experimentation and independent research by writing papers and designing new affordable production equipment and instrumentation for nanotechnology. He has accepted an appointment as an honorary collaborator/advisor to the School of Dentistry, the Institute of Molecular Biology, both at the University of Queensland as well at the Bio-medicine and Bio-chemistry section at the Griffith University (Nathan College). His other research centres on strategies to combat Brain/Mind Dichotomy causing irrational behaviour. His latest interests are researching microwave technology as an aid to enhance medical diagnosis of body tissues. He has an unquenchable thirst to share his acquired knowledge in the darker corners of Science and Technology with others for mutual benefit. Resourcefulness and the recycling of donated defunct equipment and instrumentation allows Hans to experiment and conduct research at very low cost.